Play to Learn

Play to Learn

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Camp Liberty- Water Works Week

Water Works Week is always a lot of fun.  Teachers and counselors all agree that every day of water works camp is equal to one week of other camp themes.  So...we had (what feels like) 5 weeks of camp crammed into 5 days.  Every day we turned the playground into a water park.  They had a ball playing in the sprinklers, small pools and eventually mud puddles. We also did some great sensory activities such as water balloon yo-yo painting.



Tuesday afternoon brought 97+degrees, so we decided to stay inside.  We made sand slime.  We thought the kiddos would love it and they did.

Some a little more than others...let's just say at the end of the day, Lindsay was not too happy to spend over an hour cleaning up.  But the kiddos enjoyed themselves so she said that it was worth it.

We went on a nature walk Wednesday.  The kiddos did a great job following directions.  I was the caboose and this image is precious to me.  I spent a great portion of my childhood in the forest, so it is very special to me when I spend time with the kiddos in the forest enjoying God's creation.

For a midweek treat, we decided to cool down.  We read books about snow and then made ice cream in a bag.  The kiddos were put in small cooperative groups and had to work together to make their ice cream.

All smiles :-)

I am so happy to have captured this moment.  I tell the kiddos to be thankful always and make sure to say it.  It touched my heart to see these girls giving thanks to the Lord for their ice cream treat.

Our first field trip was Thursday.  We had a great time at the pool.  

We swam and played all day!

A butterfly wandered into our picnic.  It fluttered around and landed on a few of us.  The kiddos were amazed.

Some of the kiddos fell asleep on the bus.  

To finish out the week, we painted with squirt guns on Friday and created some fantastic art.

For some science fun, we threw water balloons into a pool of baking soda.  The kiddos were excited to soon discover that the balloons were not filled with water!  The vinegar balloons created a fizzy reaction.  They had fun trying to figure out how the break the balloons.  Most of the time, they bounced! 

We used a catapult to try to get the water balloons on the roof.  

Our afternoon cool down activity was making Lei's.  

All in all, we had a great week making friends while keeping cool.  We look forward to Water Works Week 2 in August.  Up next...Journey Off the Map...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Camp Liberty - Mad Science Week

We had a fantastic time during "Mad Science Week."

  The kiddos watched and performed a ton of experiments.  We began with Elephant Toothpaste.  The kiddos watched and listened to the directions so that they were ready to perform the experiment on their own in small groups.  The looks on their faces were priceless when the reaction took place.  

Elephant Toothpaste is a fun experiment that shows the reaction between 6% Hydrogen Peroxide, dish soap and yeast.  The yeast is a catalyst and it makes the peroxide molecule release the oxygen atom faster.  

The campers played with the foam soap and water with oxygen bubbles).  They were very surprised to find the foam warm because this is an exothermic reaction.

I do explain the science behind these experiments.  We have a mixed age group, so I keep things simple and expand upon ideas if there is an interest.  I make sure that the campers are being exposed to science vocabulary, using science tools, following safety precautions during the process of experimentation, understanding the importance of observations, and are making connections between what they know and what they are learning about.

That afternoon, to continue our exploration of chemical reactions, we painted with pop rocks.  They were able to see, feel and hear the carbon dioxide being released from the candy as it was mixed with the paint.  This experiment/art project is always good for giggles, even from the big kiddos.

Tuesday, we made chalk rockets.  I let the kiddos mix their own chalk paint (cornstarch, water and food coloring).  It wasn't as messy as I had envisioned.  They poured the paint into film canisters.

We headed outside and added an Alka seltzer tablet to each canister.  We had mixed results.  Some shot up and really splattered while others just tipped over, gave a tiny pop and oozed out slowly.

We concluded that the consistency of the paint, type of cap, as well as how full the canister was all  influenced the results.  This was a rather easy activity so I'm sure we'll experiment with it further in the summer.  They all enjoyed playing with the chalk paint.

Magic Milk was our afternoon experiment.  All of the ingredients are in your kitchen, so this is a fun one to do at home!  Check it out here.

Did you ever wonder what makes disposable diapers so absorbent?  We did. experiment time.  I pulled apart several disposable diapers to show the kiddos what was in the middle.  We found cotton of course and a powder.  After doing some research, we determined that the powder was Sodium Polyacrylate.  It is a chemical that has the ability to absorb as much as 200 to 300 times its mass in water.  So, we decided to test that.  We began using just clear water, but it was hard to see.  Lindsay suggested food coloring.  She grabbed yellow.  Use your imagination.  Lots and lots of laughter filled the room and I had to send a disclaimer home to ensure the parents that we were not playing with pee pee.

During Bible this summer, we will be learning about the Fruit of the Spirit.  Our introduction included a powerful object lesson.  The Bible says, "Thus by their fruit you will recognize them."  What kind of fruit would you want to be, like this good banana, or like this rotten banana here? 

Rain forced us to spend Thursday inside, but we didn't let that stop the mad science.  We learned about air pressure and raced balloon rockets and blew straw rockets.

To conclude our air pressure lesson, our final experiment was making water bottle fountains.
I wasn't on top of gathering supplies as well as I usually am, so a big thanks goes out to my husband and son for drinking 12 liter bottles of sparkling water so my kiddos could make their fountains out of the empty bottles!  You can grab the directions for the experiment here.

Friday afternoon was spent observing the crystals that we grew during the week and 

answering the question, "What was your favorite science experiment?"