What fun we had last week! We read a ton of books and explored using hands-on play to learn all about pirates.
We built cork boats on Monday and tested them out in the baby pool. I was very pleased with how much my former students remembered from our float and sink experiments in K4!
We played a ball relay that the kiddos really enjoyed.
We learned about Jesus calming the storm.
I told the children the story (put into my own words) from Matthew 8:23-27. We learned how Jesus and his disciples were on a boat and a HUGE storm came up and was tossing the boat back and forth and filling it with water. The disciples were very scared and woke Jesus. Jesus demonstrates his AMAZING powers over nature and calms the wind and waves. He causes a GREAT PEACE to come over the sea. I used this story as an opportunity to share with the children the idea that we should always turn to JESUS for true PEACE. He is in control of everything and we need to go to HIM when we are troubled about anything.
We put marbles in blue paint and placed them in a box. As the kiddos moved the marbles in the box, we talked about how the disciples must have felt being in that boat with Jesus!
On Tuesday, we made spy glasses. The kiddos used them all day to look for pirates. These two kiddos are in their boat, sailing the seas.
Miss Lindsay has become an expert balloon sword maker, so the kiddos had a blast all afternoon sword fighting.
We made golden treasure boxes on Wednesday with up-cycled strawberry cartons.
On Thursday, we made treasure maps.
Our science experiment was fizzing treasure chests. No matter how many times we explore baking soda and vinegar using droppers, this experiment always elicits such an enthusiastic response.
Miss Lindsay planned an awesome treasure hunt. She had the kiddos trek all over the LCS property seeking out the hidden treasures.
"ARR, We had a ruckas the hour bein' a band 'o pirates!"
(yes, there's a "post like a pirate" app that translates your thoughts into pirate speak)
Up next...build-destroy-build...