Play to Learn

Play to Learn

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Kinders in Action

                Our Thanksgiving Program was success!  I am so proud of all the kids.

I had a relaxing Thanksgiving break with my family but was so happy to come back to the kiddos.  We used the first week of December to study forest animals and how they prepare for winter.  We also worked on some Christmas art for our classroom.

        We made some very beautiful owls with cinnamon pine cones so our classroom smells delicious!

                I placed eggshells and feathers in the Science area along with bird identification cards and books.

                 We practiced our small motor and creativity skills using push pins to make designs.  

The kids love the inventor's box that is full of loose parts.  They are able to make their own creations.

     Our Christmas Tree art was also a math lesson.  We practiced ordering from longest to shortest.

                 As we began learning about the birth of Jesus, we made angels to decorate our door.

I enjoy playing music softly in the background during learning centers.  I often provide books or other items that go with the music.  This week we listened to the Nutcracker and the kiddos liked to find the hidden nutcracker in our eye spy book.

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