We enjoyed getting to know each other the first few weeks of school. Here are some highlights...
The kiddos made "All About Me" stars and presented them during circle time. They all did a great job!
We decorated paper dolls to look like us!
One of our favorite activities was playing with the alphabet robots. We practiced our fine motor skills by transforming them from alphabet letters to robots. Lots of twisting, pulling and turning.
The kiddos LOVED the book "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Willems. They took turns reading it to each other.
These two kids worked very well together to
build a tall marble run.
Play dough is always fun. The kiddos came up with some interesting creations using the rollers, cutters, muffin trays and bread pans. This little boy was busy making pizza.
We practiced writing our names in shaving cream.
We are looking forward to our next theme "Forest Friends." Be sure to check back soon!
Elliott and I really love the weekly themes!