Play to Learn

Play to Learn

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February Fun

Our writing center was turned into a post office this month.  The kiddos spent a lot of time writing beautiful valentines to each other.  My baby spent the day celebrating with us!  The kiddos love when she visits and brings her friends to play.

We took turns delivering all of the packages and letters to each other.  We learned how to write and mail a card to say "I love you."

Our dramatic play area became a bakery.  The kiddos made many sweet treats for each other.

February is National Children's Dental Health month.  We did an experiment to find out what different drinks do to our teeth.  We soaked eggs in pink lemonade, tea and soda.

When we removed the eggs from the liquids all the kids said, "GROSS." However the egg that soaked in the pink lemonade was the yuckiest by far. 

We made our own toothpaste and the kiddos brushed the "teeth."  They couldn't remove the brown stains on the tea and soda eggs, but all the pink came off of the pink lemonade "tooth."  However, the shell began to erode.  This visual made a huge impact.  

Jennifer at Crossroads Pediatric Dentistry came and gave a presentation.  

They had a great time brushing the monkey's teeth.  

We've been stuck inside so much that as soon as I saw a few big snowflakes fall we RAN outside to catch a few on our tongues.  It was a bit brisk, but so worth it.  We did a winter sensory walk.  It was so quiet that once everyone settled we could hear the snowflakes hitting our jackets.

Another way that we keep active is by dancing.

I absolutely love this picture of the big girls having a great time dancing right along.

We have really enjoyed our Science Project Fridays.  Since this past week was V week, we made and erupted a volcano!!!!  I may have had more fun than the kids.   

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