Learning about frogs is always fun! Our tadpoles have arrived and they are growing quickly. The kids spend a lot of time watching them. I've put a discovery box beside the aquarium that contains a frog puppet, plastic frog eggs, tadpole, froglet and frog, a life cycle puzzle, as well as a variety of books about frogs and how they grow.
Having resources available for the children to explore helps to reinforce the lessons that we do during circle. These resources also create opportunities for the children to make connections, practice observational and scientific skills and discuss what they are learning with each other and me.
We made frog puppets to give us a meaningful visual of how frogs eat.
We sponge painted brown paper lunch bags.
Next, we attached eyes, arms and legs.
I attached a plastic fly at the end of a party blower.
After making a small slit under the flap of the bag, I pulled through the blower.
The kids had a great time making their frogs eat lunch and exhibit other frog-like behavior.
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