Play to Learn

Play to Learn

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Inspire to Imagine

During our Pond Life unit, we read "Around the Pond: Who's Been Here?" by Lindsay Barrett George.  One of  the animals discussed in the book was the beaver.  The kids showed a lot of interest in this creature.  They suggested that we look in our animal reference books to learn more about it.  After reading more, looking at and discussing the pictures I placed the book about beavers and a beaver lodge that I made out of a black foam produce container and twigs in the science center.  Two students in particular were very intrigued by the beaver lodge.  On their own, they got square connectors from the shelf and created something great! I asked them to tell me about what they made and below is their story.
The Beaver sleeps in a castle.  He climbs up and falls into the bucket.  The castle is in the water.  He sleeps in it to dream.  He plays in the sticks.  It's his playground.  His castle is safer because it has a door and can close and lock it.  The stick playground doesn't have a door and it just floats in the water.  Monsters might get him there and eat him up.  The castle doesn't have a kitchen so he's moving to a house.  But, now he goes to Buffalo Wild Wings.

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