Play to Learn

Play to Learn

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Camp Liberty-Build Destroy Build

Build-Destroy-Build week kept the kiddos busy designing and constructing.  I provided them with many different types of materials and they did an awesome job building. 

They used play dough and wood blocks to "lay bricks."

They used giant cardboard blocks to build walls.  I think they had more fun knocking them down.

They made tall structures with a giant tinker toy set.

The light table brought another element to their designs.

Out of all of our activities this week, they most enjoyed building bubble towers.  Again, simplicity seems to win out!

We practiced our Spanish color words...

...and praised the Lord through song and dance.

Magic noodles allowed us to create unique sculptures.  The kiddos thought it was cool that you could turn them upside down and they wouldn't fall apart.

I try to sneak in a lot of small motor practice to keep those little muscles ready for the fall, so we built rubber band balls.

Snapology visited and we were able to build top launchers.  

We finished the week by playing with rocket launchers and balloon rockets, 

 building sand castles,

and erupting lemon volcanoes!

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